Spider web hung with dew. Photo: Su Leslie, 2104

Spider web hung with dew. Photo: Su Leslie, 2104

Yesterday was the first in a long time I’ve given myself permission to go for a walk instead of starting work straight away. Not a particularly long walk – and I did take my camera – but enough to feel invigorated (probably by the cold) and humming with plans and ideas.

The trees were full of spiderwebs, hung with tiny beads of moisture and the morning light produced unexpected colours as a backdrop.

Truly a random moment of delight.

Beads of moisture hang from each thread. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014

Beads of moisture hang from each thread. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014

A world reflected in each tiny droplet. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014

Barely visible against the morning sky. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014.

Barely visible against the morning sky. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014.


Threaded between leaves; spider web in a tree. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014

Threaded between leaves; spider web in a tree. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014

Meghan AKA Firebonnet hosts the Random Moments of Delight Challenge.  You can see the latest moment here.

Random moment of delight: on slow walks and busy spiders

15 thoughts on “Random moment of delight: on slow walks and busy spiders

  1. Stunning images. I am such a fan of spider webs, as an observer…not one to walk into them. Next month usually brings out the big kahuna spiders that spin by night and take down by dawn. I’ve run into a few of those walking Zak or running….and then comes the spider dance. However, you and your camera caught jewels, indeed ~


    • Thank you so much. “Big kahuna” in the pop culture sense, or are there spiders called kahuna (excuse my ignorance). I love the phrase spider dance — my son’s phobia is slugs and we have experienced him doing the slug dance on many occasions. Hilarious (unless you’re him). 🙂


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