DP Photo Challenge: unusual, take 2

close up shot of ornamental brassica (kale). Pink and white. Seen in Auckland Wintergardens. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Ornamental kale, seen in Auckland Wintergarden. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Used to thinking of kale as one of the “dark green leafy vegetables” we’re all encouraged to eat, I found this ornamental kale a little unusual.

Daily Post Photo Challenge | unusual.

30 thoughts on “DP Photo Challenge: unusual, take 2

  1. Pingback: Unusual: Stairs 3 | What's (in) the picture?

  2. They´re cultivating a lovely violet looking one in the Netherlands – had some of it last winter and it tasted great! The funny thing is, even though kale would actually grow nearly the whole year around here, you can only buy the fresh one after the first frost in Germany. And then only for a couple of weeks. I envy all those who can get it the whole year! I make a lovely pesto from it, and have to do with frozen kale the rest of the year. 🙂

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    • That sounds yummy. I love the idea of kale pesto too 🙂
      Kale is a fairly new crop to NZ (at least commercially). It’s available all year round, but I suspect in summer it might come from somewhere overseas. I grow cavolo nero, which is similar and have planted some green kale, but it’s not doing too well at the moment. 🙂 xxxx

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      • It really is yummy! You should definitely try it. I use walnuts instead of pine nuts, don´t know if it makes much of difference though. 🙂
        I too have some troubles with growing things this year – always grow my own basil and normally it flourishes and looks gigantic, this year though it didn´t make it. I think I bought the wrong seeds or something. So I started anew with different seeds – so far it looks good but boy does it take its time 😉
        Hope you have a lovely day! xxxxxxxxxx

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        • I like the idea of kale and walnuts as a combination, so I will try that. Walnuts are much cheaper than pinenuts here too, so that makes it even more attractive.
          I’ve planted basil in the garden for the last few years, and it grows well here, but seems to become very woody and bitter quite quickly. Maybe I should try putting it in pots; or planting lots more seeds/seedlings and harvesting them sooner.
          Hope your week is going well. xxxxxx 🙂

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          • If you slightly roast the walnuts they taste even better!
            I think harvesting the basil sooner might do the trick. As far as I know you can sow basil seeds all year which is pretty amazing. Never tried it in winter though as there´s just not enough light coming through the clouds and I rely on hothouse basil from the supermarket then.

            I went to feed the squirrels after a long time yesterday and it was definitely the highlight of my week 😉 Nothing as good as a little hairy snout put trustingly in your hand to nibble some nuts when you feel a bit blue 😉
            Hope your week is going well too! xxxxxxxxx 🙂

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          • The squirrels helped a lot, thank you, Su. 🙂 Now I will tackle my household chores and afterwards try out a recipe for Sicilian pistachio creme! A friend of mine brought me some from her last trip and it tastes so, so good! Much better than Nutella!! But since the glass is almost empty and I fear some severe withdrawal symptoms in store for me, I checked out how to make it myself 😉 Hope it will work and be just as good. But I´m not much looking forward to shell them all! 😀
            Hope you have a lovely weekend too! xxxxxxxxxx

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          • I hope the chores didn’t take too long 🙂 and that your pistachio creme turned out well. I’d never heard of it, but thanks to Google, have now seen pictures and it looks divine. I wouldn’t be crazy about shelling enough pistachios to make it either, but I suspect the result could be totally worthwhile. Happy weekend xxxxxxx 🙂

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