DP Photo Challenge: temporary

Last summer the Big T and I planted milkweed, and enjoyed front-row seats to the lives of some monarch butterflies. From egg to mature caterpillar takes around two weeks; the chrysalis stage lasts around 10 days, and a butterfly can emerge, dry its wings and fly away in about 10 minutes.

Daily Post Photo Challenge | temporary

34 thoughts on “DP Photo Challenge: temporary

    • True, but probably not in our garden 😦 After last year we realised we’d either have to commit to planting a lot of swan plants (not sure we have space) or none. We went away for a few days at a crucial time, the person who’d offered to re-home some of the caterpillars didn’t show up, and I came back to find lots of them dead. I spent days cutting up pumpkin and hanging it on what was left of the plants to try and save as many as I could. Then we started stalking wasps and preying mantis. I think I’d need to arrange “butterfly-sitters” so that we can go away on holiday during their life-cycle.

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    • Thanks Janet. Milkweed doesn’t seem to grow that well here. We had to really nurture the plants. I was hoping that some might grow from the many seed heads that burst, but I’ve seen nothing so far. 🙂


  1. They seem to be doing well there, Su. I think our Monarchs are having a bit of trouble. Don’t know whether its the herbicides or not. I did see a couple this summer but there use to be so many more.

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  2. Pingback: WPC: Temporary | Lillie-Put

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