“But soft! What light …”


Early morning, Luckens Reserve, West Harbour, Auckland, NZ. Su Leslie 2018

Early morning mists create wonderful soft light and I’m lucky to live in an area that still has some tall trees to silhouette against the lightening sky.

The post title comes from the famous balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet. Though of course, Romeo was using “soft” as an exclamation, and was certainly more interested in wooing Juliet than any quality of the light around them.

Lens Artist Photo Challenge | soft

39 thoughts on ““But soft! What light …”

  1. Lovely (and soft) shot, Su. Romeo and Juliet is one of those plays that when I was young, brought tears to my eyes when seeing the Franco Zeffirelli version or seeing its modern interpretation, “West Side Story.” But as I got older, I got more than a bit irritated at the over-reactions that caused all the problems. πŸ™‚ Getting old and curmudgeonly, I guess, although I prefer to think of it as sensible.


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  2. Ah, those lovestricken youths, don’t see the trees for the forest. Or in this case the lady πŸ˜‰
    Beautiful shot, Su, especially since my T-Shirt manages to clutch at me from all that perspiration today!πŸ˜‚

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    • Oh I don’t envy you the heat πŸ™‚ It’s got warmer again here, but still within bearable range. I’m a bit over love stricken youths at the moment — one in particular who shall remain, in this space, nameless πŸ™‚


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