The ring bearer

You know how you’re just walking along sometimes, and you see something that’s a bit incongruous, so you keep thinking about it — trying to construct a story that makes sense of what you’ve seen

In Sydney a few years ago, I saw someone striding along, in heels, carrying a tyre slung over their back. What isn’t clear from the photo is that they were wearing only a swimsuit under the coat.

I have imagined a few different scenarios. What do you think?

Ragtag Daily Prompt | ring

30 thoughts on “The ring bearer

  1. Oh I’m pretty good in that department too! Making up stories…. crazy stories, gladrag stories, silly stuff, the whole lot. I could see plenty of scenarios with this woman and her high heels plus a fat rubber tyre. Great material to work with!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my–so many details, so little time. Wow. A bathing suit, heels and a tire. I hope someone comes up with something, because I am still scratching my head over this one. I would have long since tripped and fallen in those heels. Maybe the tire would cushion my fall…

    Liked by 2 people

    • It does! I assumed that in the beginning, but I didn’t think that tyres still had inner tubes. Or that inner tubes would carry advertising.
      I wondered if it was a “walk of shame” after a big night out.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome shot! Are those heels transparent? I don’t know why but the look reminds me a bit Christopher Street Day. 😊
    And The Ring Bearer? You know I was thinking LoTR instantly, right? πŸ˜‰


    • The heels were transparent — perspex I guess.
      I had to look up Christopher Street Day — my original assumption was that “he” was some sort of model or designer πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
      Someone else suggested it might have been “the day after” Sydney’s Mardi Gras, but it really was just a very normal weekday.
      I hadn’t thought of LoTR with that reference — for me it always evokes weddings. πŸ™‚

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