27 thoughts on “The sound of colours

    • I liked that too. I’m not very musical, but the associations made sense to me. My son has a friend with this manifestation of synesthesia. They’ve made music together and the boy-child really enjoyed the experience.


  1. That is an interesting quotation. I like when people think outside the prescribed descriptions of the world. A dark lake played on a bass note, it just brings a sound and a moment to life in the mind. I can picture it clearly, but couldn’t express it half so well myself. Ahh, to practice creativity for NaNoWriMo which is starting soon. Hopefully I can plumb some unknown depths?

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    • I assumed it meant “a dark lake” rather than the name of a colour. Now you’ve got me wondering!

      Colour psychology is fascinating — especially when you start to look at food manufacturing and packaging.

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      • It is. I remember reading how doctors and hospitals choose certain colors in their offices and spaces that are most restful. And how some universities paint the visiting team locker rooms pink to make the team feel weaker (sexist assumptions, of course).

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          • Here’s an abstract of her article: https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/wmjowl/vol14/iss1/2/ She had made statements about the homophobia and sexism behind the choice to paint the locker room pink—that pink signified something feminine and thus something weaker—and she (my former colleague) was bombarded with hate mail for daring to criticize the school and its athletic department and particularly its beloved football team. It’s a really interesting article. I can’t do justice to it here, but it’s well-written and better than the abstract!

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          • Thanks so much for the link Amy. It looks like she is tackling issues that really, really need to be addressed. Horrible that she has had to endure personal attacks though. But sadly, not surprising.

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          • Here’s a good quote from Erin about her legal theory:
            Erin Buzuvis, the director of the Center for Gender & Sexuality Studies at Western New England University, said that the locker room is at odds with Title IX [US statute that prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions], but that a lawsuit could be difficult to win.

            “Title IX’s application to athletics is aimed at equalizing the treatment of female athletes as well as their opportunities to play,” Buzuvis said. “If you accept that using pink in the visitors’ locker room operates a symbolic gesture of emasculation towards the team’s opponents, the pink locker room certainly represents a form of unequal treatment, since the symbolism trades on pink’s association with women and stereotypes about women’s inferior athleticism.”

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    • I’ve heard that too. And I wonder how much popular culture shapes the meanings and associations we have with things, like how soundtracks are designed to cue certain expectations and emotions in audiences because we understand their language. I don’t know how much of our understanding is due to the structure of music, and how much is recognition of patterns and associating them with other films we’ve seen. … if that makes any sense.

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