“Improve eyesight, clear the head and encourage cheerfulness”

Marigold, Calendula officinalis. Image: Su Leslie 2020

The powers of calendula, according to Macer Floridus De Viribus Herbarum, a Medieval poem, in Latin, was written in hexameter extolling the healing properties of seventy seven healing plants.

The author is thought to be Odo de Meung (Odo Magdunensis), a French physician from Meung on the Loire who lived during the first half of the 11th century.

From virtues and pleasures of herbs through history

Macro Monday

21 thoughts on ““Improve eyesight, clear the head and encourage cheerfulness”

    • We use calendula cream a lot here too. I’ve been reading about making tinctures, etc, but I suspect I’ll need a lot more base material than I have. Oh well — a bigger garden next year?

      It was a spider web!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh my! a spider-web? The lil critter perfectly spun around the flower! Absolutely fabulous!

        Tincture making is quite some effort but well worth it if you have a steady supply – the quality of the product will be superior! I haven’t tried it myself but one of our family (she lives in Melbourne so she has plenty of fresh supplies which we find challenging to procure here) has been making her own for ages.

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