A winter project

fluffy knititing Image: Su Leslie 2020

Come winter and I get the urge to start knitting; something I do with huge enthusiasm and limited skill.

This year, there is a bigger project too — working through my stash of fibre and fabrics (so I’m allowed to buy more).

What am I making? Wait and see.

Ragtag Daily Prompt | project

45 thoughts on “A winter project

  1. You’re such a tease!!!! Made me think of ‘those’ times where I’d buy material for well over CHF100, made my own designs and knitted (even if it’s me who says it!) über-fabulous jumpers(pullover). One of my all-time favourite ones was a masterpiece with a lady wearing a big hat and the materials were the finest silk, long fibres of elasticated I-don’t-know-what, costing a small mortage and being so beautiful that EVERYBODY wanted to undress me…. Sadly, that’s Tempi Passati, ‘then’ my son was still small, I didn’t go to work during ‘that’ time, and nowadays my clothes are rather pratical than unusually tantalizing!

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  2. I love the colours and as someone has already mentioned, “what a tease” 🙂 I admire those that can create elaborate knitting designs. I am more like you in that my enthusiasm is higher than my skill.

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    • I admire them too. I don’t have enough patience for much more than “knit one, purl one” — though I have started knitting a cotton dishcloth as an experiment. Not sure mine will look much like the photo, but I’m curious to see if it will work as a dishcloth.

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      • Family members have been crocheted dishcloths which I think will keep their shape. Though it doesn’t matter and a bit of fun making your own. No matter what it is. Yes, I definitely don’t have the patience for more than basic knitting.

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