27 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday

    • The tattoos are tฤ moko; a cultural practice of Maori and other East Polynesian cultures. I met the man on a city street and he wanted me to photograph him. He thought Iโ€™d be interested because of the moko, but I thought he had such interesting eyes. Thatโ€™s part of the reason I posted a b&w edit of the shot โ€” so the moko didnโ€™t draw attention from his expression.

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  1. Wow, there’s a lot going on there. Made me want to break into a haka…if I knew one. Maybe just stick out my tongue and try to look intimidating? ๐Ÿ™‚ If I met this man, I’d feel as if I wanted to stare at his face to take it all in but I wouldn’t because I’d feel rude.


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