Focus on the detail

“The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.” — Elizabeth Lawrence. Image: Su Leslie 2021

Some people look at big things, and other people look at very small things, but in a sense, we’re all trying to understand the world around us.” — Roderick MacKinnon

I’m a detail kind of person. The kind who notices when pictures are hung a fraction off; who will unpick and re-sew a seam until it’s just right. The kind of person who not only owns plating tweezers, but actually uses them.

No surprise then that I love macro photography. Nor that a walk around my garden results in an abundance of close-up shots — but not one that shows the shape and structure of the garden itself. Though given that it’s (euphemistically) a “work in progress” — maybe that’s no bad thing.

Cosmos: the garden gift that keeps on giving. Image: Su Leslie 2021

Image: Su Leslie 2021

Image: Su Leslie 2021

Image: Su Leslie 2021

Image: Su Leslie 2021

New buds. Image: Su Leslie 2021

Beauty in decay. Image: Su Leslie 2021

Lens-Artist Photo Challenge | It’s a small world

Friday Flowers

34 thoughts on “Focus on the detail

  1. Beautiful. I love the photo with the bee. I live in a neighborhood where people love their manicured lawns. My older neighbor darn near had a stroke when he saw me sowing pink clover in with my lawn. I love the smell and walking amongst the bees.

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  2. I’m that kind of person! Love pointing out mistakes in films and such which annoys everybody watching them with me but I can’t stop it. 😂 Maybe we were Sherlock Holmes and Watson in another life? 😁 Beautiful macros, every single one of them. And I think every garden is a work in progress. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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