A winter project

fluffy knititing Image: Su Leslie 2020

Come winter and I get the urge to start knitting; something I do with huge enthusiasm and limited skill.

This year, there is a bigger project too — working through my stash of fibre and fabrics (so I’m allowed to buy more).

What am I making? Wait and see.

Ragtag Daily Prompt | project

Regular Random: five minutes with my knitting

There are definite signs that autumn has arrived; dropping temperatures, falling leaves, shorter days — and an overwhelming urge to knit.

Knitting is something I do with much more enthusiasm than skill. After a few years of odd-shaped and unfinished sweaters, I’ve learned to limit myself to producing scarves and beanies for various community groups which distribute winter basics to some of the (far too many) children (1) who live in poverty in New Zealand.

I love the colours in this wool, and enjoyed taking five minutes out to capture a few images for Five Minutes of Random (the RegularRandom challenge), a weekly photo challenge hosted by Desley Jane at Musings of a Frequently Flying Scientist.


(1) According to UNICEF around 295,000 children in NZ (28 percent of all children in this country) live in poverty:

” … in cold, damp, over-crowded houses, they do not have warm or rain-proof clothing, their shoes are worn, and many days they go hungry.”

UNICEF NZ: Child Poverty in New Zealand