45 thoughts on “In contemplation of really good bread

  1. BRILLIANT ! πŸ˜€
    It doth indeed look good; and how clever you are, my friend ! πŸ™‚ I’ve had to give up bread-making in search of a vastly smaller (like it ?) number of calories; but I can still recognize a yummy loaf when I see one.

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  2. ❀ Both you and the loaf look good, Su. Sometimes when I had a loaf of really good bread I can barely wait until a slice is cut to have a bite, even before putting something on it or whatever else I was planning to do with it.

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    • True: most of us are really time-poor. I am heartened by the number of small barkers who are setting up shop in local communities selling excellent bread. It shows there is a demand for quality.


  3. My son is on Weight Watchers and bread is a big no for him. So, in the name of not sticking a wrench in his diet, I am not baking. But I miss the bread — and especially, the popovers. Oh that scent of freshly baked bread!


  4. Wow! That is what bread should look like!!
    And I hardly eat any bread (can’t unless it is made with almond and coconut flour) but I would love a piece of that crusty bread!
    Oh and I love your hair (as usual)


    • Hi Jude. Lovely to hear from you. I’m doing ok. The cancer is progressing and I’ll need more chemo soon, but the good days are still pretty good, my garden is flourishing despite my neglect, and we’ve been doing a bit of local travel.
      Hope you’re well xx


      • Oh, Su, I am so sorry to hear that the damn C is still with you. I always think of you as my sister down under – you and I have October birthdays I think? If you feel like contacting me on my blog (via the contact page) I can get your email address and message you a bit more privately. I miss your wonderful photos, but can see that blogging is not a priority right now. Hope the rest of your family are keeping well and that you can carry on enjoying those good days. Jude xx

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Su, I really do hope you are still making bread and hoping you are having a good week. Even amongst the shitty weather πŸ˜‰ All reasonably stable in the health dept and life rolls on down in the bay. Thinking of you x


  6. Hi Su–it’s been a while since you’ve posted and in reading the comments, I can understand why. I hope the latest round of chemo has helped. I miss your posts with the most beautiful photography ever! Anyhow, sending love your way. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Lois. So lovely to hear from you.
      The chemo wasn’t doing much except making me really sick, so I pulled the plug on it in favour of being well enough to actually enjoy the time I have. I’ve had a pretty good few months, but am now beginning to experience more persistent pain. Back to the oncologist soon to discuss what to do next.
      Not much photography happening, although that may have more to do with the abysmal weather we have had this year than anything else.
      Hope that you are well. xx


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