Regular Random: five minutes with a work in progress


I may have mentioned that the Big T loves motorbikes and has one or two (or three) in the garage. His latest is a BMW that he’s making into a café racer (I’ll let Wikipedia explain that to those who are unfamiliar with the term).

It’s very much a work in progress and I can’t get it out of the garage to shoot in its entirety, but some of the parts are rather beautiful.

And I suspect the finished bike will be fabulous.

Regular Random is a photo challenge hosted by Desley Jane at Musings of a Frequently Flying Scientist. Please pop over and take a look;  and if you’d like to join in:

  • choose a subject or a scene
  • spend five minutes photographing it – no more!
  • try to not interfere with the subject, instead see it from many angles, look through something at it, change the light that’s hitting it
  • have fun!
  • tag your post #regularrandom and ping back to Desley’s post.