DP Photo Challenge: transient, take 2

Bride being prepared for her wedding photo shoot by make-up artist. Circular Quay, Sidney, Australia. Image: Su Leslie, 2015

Bride being prepared for her wedding photo shoot, Circular Quay, Sidney, Australia. Image: Su Leslie, 2015

On the transience continuum, it seems to me that wedding photos probably fall towards the “permanent” end. They are often professionally commissioned, expensive, and record one of life’s Big Moments.

So what I like about these photos is that they capture the transient moments behind the scenes; the stylists and photographers whose presence is essential, but of necessity,  invisible.

In this case, there were a bunch of other brides and grooms, all with their own stylists and photographers, having their photos taken at the same time and place. They arrived  en masse — wedding photography tourism.

I found it a little sad that moments which would be permanently recorded as some of the most special in these couples’ lives were being shared only with relative strangers; transients.

Waiting for their turn; one wedding party is being prepared for their photo shoot, while another is being processed. Circular Quay, Sidney, Australia. Image: Su Leslie, 2015

Waiting for their turn; one wedding party is being prepared for their photo shoot, while another is being processed. Circular Quay, Sidney, Australia. Image: Su Leslie, 2015

Daily Post Photo Challenge | transient