Warm gingerbread, blue cheese and honey-comb from Little & Friday. Image: Su Leslie, 2015

Warm gingerbread, blue cheese and honey-comb. Breakfast at Little & Friday, and the spark that got me thinking about the way we eat. Image: Su Leslie, 2015

A few days ago, the Big T and I had breakfast at the wonderful Little & Friday cafe in Takapuna.

Although firmly convinced I wanted something savory, I saw gingerbread, blue cheese and honeycomb on the menu and suddenly changed my mind.

I adore blue cheeses, and will tend to try anything that comes with a slab of the stuff. I’m glad I did.

The dish was delicious; sweet, creamy and salty with a little spice from the gingerbread. More importantly it got me thinking about the way I eat (noisily, according to the Big T, but that’s neither here nor there).

I’ve been the main cook in every household I’ve lived in since I left home at 17; a succession of shared flats, a couple of pre-T relationships, and for as long as the Big T and I have been together.

Before the boy-child came along, we ate out a lot — and scoffed quite a few takeaways. But as soon as we knew we were having a baby, we both became much more health-conscious, and when the kid first started eating solid food, I went to considerable lengths to provide the most nutritious meals I could.

I still do.

I’m not saying we don’t sometimes have fish n chips, or takeaway pizza; and some nights my boys are lucky to get a toasted sandwich made for them, but in general my cooking style has changed to focus much more on nutrition than convenience.

And it’s also become about quantity. I became become adept at making sure there’s always enough for flatmates and the boyfriends/girlfriends who inevitably turned up for dinner, enough to feed a growing child and fill tomorrow’s school lunch, enough to provide easy working lunches for the Big T and me. For a number of years now, our fridges have been filled with containers of leftovers.

Thing is though, the boy-child isn’t at school now, and although he does sometimes take a lunch to work with him, more often than not he doesn’t eat with us in the evening and isn’t that interested in a lot of the leftovers.

A major adjustment is required.

And somehow, looking at my Little & Friday breakfast  — that simple plate of three good things (1) — I got it.

I need to relearn my cooking habits. I’m not feeding student flatmates or boy-child + friends. I’m not even regularly feeding a teenager. And although I cooked for two in the early days with the Big T, we now have more money, more time, smaller appetites and are much more more health-conscious.

So this is my latest food project (now that I’ve sussed sourdough bread). I’m going to find/create and test recipes for two. Little plates, shared plates, simple food that the Big T and I can enjoy together on the nights when we’re having dinner Γ  deux.

You’ll know I’m succeeding when I manage to blog about it. Radio silence can definitely be interpreted as “back to the drawing (or chopping) board.”

This post was written for the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge. This week’s theme is Trio.

(1) With thanks to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Three Good Things on a Plate for the term and the idea.


In praise of three good things

33 thoughts on “In praise of three good things

  1. That’s an interesting combination! I think I would enjoy the gingerbread and the cheese together but skip the honeycomb. Interesting project too. We both agree we need to change our eating habits to lose weight but can’t quite see eye to eye on what to cut out……

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t help myself trying to improve on everything, so if I’m honest, the plate really needed some green apple, or a really crisp pear to cut through the sweeteness. I liked the honeycomb, but you’re right about it being very sweet. We’re a bit the same with improving our diet. I don’t really eat flesh, unless it’s waterborne (fish and duck), but the Big T loves lamb and beef. He’d cut out sweeties (except chocolate), but I’m quite partial to gooey slices with rich icing. Sigh.


  2. I think this combination looks delicious. We were vegan for over a year and the thing I missed the most was cheese. There are only two of us at home now, but my husband like leftovers, so the struggle is between no leftovers (and having to keep making meals) or not so many leftovers that they get “old” to him and I have to toss them. Good luck with the new cooking and eating ways.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Janet. It is a balancing act, isn’t it. I think I’m being resourceful by making enough for several meals, but then end up eating them myself because no-one else wants them. It’s an interesting challenge! Thanks, Su.


  3. Hi Sue, I just made a big pot of spaghetti and a beef stew. It is just the two of us now for most of the time but we love the left overs. There must be enough spaghetti for three of four meals for the two of us and three meals from the stew. It gets better the older it gets. If there is any spaghetti left after that I turn it into meat cannoli with tomato sauce on top. They all freeze well. So you can mix them with other meals through out the week.
    I love blue cheese too. Have you ever tried it on top of beef? (really good)

    Liked by 1 person

    • We do manage to eat our leftovers, but I suspect I eat more because I’m trying to get rid of them. I cook stuff and freeze it in small portions, and that works really well although I tend to be the only one who remembers to look in the freezer for food. πŸ™‚

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  4. It seems we share an issue with sweets … and while my stomach (hips and thighs) aren’t happy about it, I can’t seem to resist the siren call.

    When our youngest son left home, I too had to adjust to shopping and cooking for only the 2 of us. It took some adjustment but I experiment as much as I can πŸ™‚


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