Vanity: my favourite selfie. Image: Su Leslie, 2015

One-eyed selfie. Image: Su Leslie, 2014

Like many people, I don’t enjoy having my photo taken. Somehow, however much others may say they like this or that image, I seldom do. The woman I see may be wearing my clothes, jewellery and hairstyle, but that’s where the resemblance ends. She doesn’t match the mind’s-eye portrait of myself that I carry around.

Selfies are a way of partially managing this discontinuity between pixels and neurons; of controlling the flow of data from physical to electronic world.

Even then, it took about 80 shots to find one I was happy with.

As chance would have it, there is some overlap in the themes for both the Daily Post Photo Challenge (Eye Spy) and Ailsa’s Travel Theme at Where’s my Backpack (Self), and this image I think works quite well for both.

In my mind’s eye

31 thoughts on “In my mind’s eye

    • The mirror one is interesting. I always do a double-take when I see someone else in the mirror because, I guess, we’re not totally symmetrical and a mirror-image just isn’t quite right.


  1. Your selfie looks really nice Su, I don’t know what you are worrying about! But I do know what you mean, I really dislike photos of myself!!
    You will be very glad to know however, you don’t look remotely close in age to that ‘biggish’ number, I would have guessed that you were easily ten years younger!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Andy! I think the thing with photographs is how they expose a reality so different from our internal one (in which I am permanently about 23). All compliments gratefully received of course, so thanks again. Cheers, Su.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I know exactly what you mean Su, I still feel like I’m in my twenties, and I think I’m of a similar age to you 🙂
        But that’s a good thing we’ve got going for us, it’s far better to be young at heart, rather than old before your time (as some people seem to be).


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