DP Photo Challenge: layered

Macro shot of echinacea (I think) flower. As the flower opens, new layers are revealed. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Echinacea (I think). As the flower opens, new layers are revealed. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

One of the great revelations I’ve experienced from turning my camera lens on the natural world is how complex and multi-layered even the smallest life forms can be.

I’m still not great on the actual names of plants or their constituent parts (e.g. are these images of echinacea?), but I’m getting there.

Close up shot of pink and yellow echinacea flower, with open petals and pollen-coated stamen. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Echinacea flower, close up to reveal multiple layers. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Daily Post Photo Challenge | layered

36 thoughts on “DP Photo Challenge: layered

  1. Pingback: Layered: Hang in there 1 | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: WPC: Exploring Layers | Lillie-Put

    • Thanks Sally. Jude suggested that it’s Helenium, and when I looked that up (thank you Google Images), it is a much closer fit.
      I do so appreciate being part of this community of knowledge and sharing. Thank you.


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