Lest we forget: ANZAC Day 2018

The Big T’s great uncles:

— Pte Eric Andrew Gray, died in the Somme Valley, France, March 1918

— Lt Harry Marshall Wright, died at Chunuk Bair, Gallipoli, August 1915.

Commemorated alongside other servicemen and women from the Canterbury region at the Field of Remembrance, Cranmer Square, Christchurch.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.— Laurence Binyon, “For the Fallen”

23 thoughts on “Lest we forget: ANZAC Day 2018

  1. We’re remembering the men and women who gave up their lives too. We missed the dawn service today, but we’ll see if we can go into town to see the marches. Thank you for sharing.

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    • 🙂 it was very special to find their names in the Field of Remembrance. New Zealand had only around a million citizens in 1914, and driving around the country seeing each little settlement’s war memorial — with so many names on each — it is heartbreaking.

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  2. So many were far too young to go to war. But they wanted to serve their King. I recall a WW1 war grave in a cemetery in Doncaster that had three sons names on it, all died between 1914 and 1918. How hard that must have been on the rest of the family.

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  3. A beautiful memorial post. You’ve also got me thinking about my Grandfather who was part of the Guernsey regiment that went to France for WW1. Sadly, out of a few thousand men, hundreds didn’t make it home. My Grandfather, fortunately, was only injured but had a piece of shrapnel in his lung for the rest of his life. Maybe I’ll write about this part of my family history one day.When I have time! Have a good day, Amanda

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    • My great grandfather also returned home with an injury, but suffered ill-health from that for the rest of his life, and I imagine your grandfather did. It would be great to write about it when you have time. I think it’s so important to have the “warts and all” accounts of war told so that the terrible sacrifices that both the servicemen and women — and their families — made aren’t forgotten.

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  4. My great uncle was wounded at Chunuk Bair and died a week later on 15 August. I wonder if he and Lieut Wright ever crossed paths. Stories we will never know. Listening to The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace which I think you know.

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    • I haven’t listened to the whole Mass; but love the Sanctus. You are right that we’ll probably never know for sure if the great uncles met, but War diaries and service records might tell us if they were in the same place at the same time. I found the Canterbury Regiment War Diary in credibly useful when I was researching the other uncle — Eric. 😀

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