24 thoughts on “Like candles in the wind today

  1. It really does look like a candelabra! And I love magnolia trees and just wish the blossoms would stay longer than just a few days! Last time I missed the ones growing around here by about a day or two and was totally devastated. I had been planning a lovely shooting in a near cemetery. Ah well, hopefully next year! πŸ™‚ xxxxxxx

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    • πŸ˜€ I know what you mean about the β€œblink-and-they’re-gone” blossom. You’d only know there had been flowers from all the brown mushy petals on the ground. Our tree is just far enough away from a photograph-taking spot that I need a long lens. Unfortunately it’s also between us and our neighbour’s house. Every year I feel I have to explain and apologise for standing on my verandah pointing a huge lens at their house (especially now as the husband is retired and home all the time).

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