Grateful old bolts and cables held

Arapuni Suspension Bridge, Waikato, NZ. Images: Su Leslie 2018

The Arapuni Suspension Bridge was built in the late 1920s so that workers building the Arapuni Hydro Dam could get from the construction site to their accommodation in the village.

These days it’s part of the Waikato River Trails walk and cycle way.

Posted to Debbie’s Six Word Saturday at Travel with Intent.

24 thoughts on “Grateful old bolts and cables held

  1. IΒ΄ve mighty respect – and a little bit of fear – for suspension bridges. And ever since watching The Temple of Doom (Indiana Jones) I promised myself to have a look around for Thugs whorshipping Kali before I would venture across it. πŸ˜‰ This one looks fabulous, with all those lovely trees surrounding it. Love the detailed shots of the bolt and cables! xxxxx

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