Postcards from Sydney #1

I’m indulging my love of art — sculpture in particular — with a visit to Sydney to see Sculpture by the Sea at Bondi.

This involved a five am start to catch my flight, which was surprisingly not full and I had a whole row of seats to stretch out in.

I’m staying in a new hotel, in a part of town I’ve never been to before. So far, so awesome.

One of the cool things about The Collectionist is that all the rooms are designed by local artists — and they are all different. The other cool thing is that you get to choose your room. I had a choice of three and picked The Santa Rosa Suite. I’ll give you a peep inside tomorrow.

I’m not sure if it’s a legacy of my recent cold, or a sign that I’m getting old, but the last time I came to Sculpture by the Sea three years ago, I headed straight from checking in to Bondi Beach and walked the sculpture trail to the end at Tamarama Beach (and then walked back).

Today, I felt too tired to face the 12km bus trip to Bondi, let alone a 3km (return) walk around the exhibition, so I’m saving my energy for tomorrow.

Instead I’ve been exploring the neighbourhood and back towards the CBD, where I found dinner at Fishbowl.

A note to all The Changing Seasons contributors.

I will update the blogroll with links to your posts whenever I am able to, but I may be a little slower than usual.

30 thoughts on “Postcards from Sydney #1

  1. I do envy your energy (both taking photos AND blogging while on vacation.) Please have some kind of exotic, frilly umbrella drink for me. Or dip your toes in warm waters. Or both. And report back.

    Shivering in Michigan…


  2. Love the art work on the plane, great visual start to your trip. I checked out the hotel, looks so interesting I’m looking forward to seeing which room you pick. How long are you over here? Also looking forward to the sculptures, I’ve seen some of them in ads they look amazing. Feel like hopping on a plane right now and joining you, but will have to be content with a virtual tour.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You make me feel quite bad — I live a 2-minute walk from the Bondi end of the sculpture trail and am too put off by the massive hordes of sculpture visitors to bother checking out the offerings, yet you’ve flown from New Zealand especially! I hope our weather picks up for you, it’s not great at the moment. Enjoy your stay!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t blame you. Today was much busier than I remember from previous weekday visits. So many people behaving idiotically around the art too, which really got on my nerves. But some of the sculptures are wonderful; and I love art.


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