Regular Random: five minutes with a pomegranate


Image: Su Leslie 2018

Pomegranates don’t grow well in New Zealand. They require more growing days than our climate generally provides, so aren’t really a commercially viable fruit.

This means that the pomegranates we can buy come from the US, and are available for a very short season.


My general shopping rule is to buy local, and boy do pomegranates challenge this. The juicy little arils add colour and crunch and a wonderful little pop of sourness to so many dishes.

In our house, pomegranate tends to be paired with duck, salty cheeses, oranges and mint for a dessert salad — or just eaten by the handful.

About Regular Random

Regular Random is a photo challenge hosted by Desley Jane at Musings of a Frequently Flying Scientist. Please pop over and take a look;  and if you’d like to join in:

  • choose a subject or a scene
  • spend five minutes photographing it – no more!
  • try to not interfere with the subject, instead see it from many angles, look through something at it, change the light that’s hitting it
  • have fun!
  • tag your post #regularrandom and ping back to Desley’s post.


20 thoughts on “Regular Random: five minutes with a pomegranate

  1. Pomegranates to me are the reincarnation of food-pO.rn….. Those shots here are dripping with the goodness of them. If only they weren’t such devils to open and serve. they are expensive here too and I usually only buy one or two to keep, trying to dry them and keep them for Christmas decorations!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Promegranites are an exotic fruit to most of us in Canada. I found they were a lot of work for so little return. You did take some lovely photos of them Su.


  3. Lovely with spicy chicken and BNS and also with a warm Halloumi salad. And I once spent ages making a pomegranate sauce for use with goats cheese. But I do find then a faff to open and remove the arils. My earliest recollection is having them at this time of the year as a child and removing the arils with a needle! Can’t imagine parents letting their children do that now!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t imagine it either. Nor can I quite imagine extracting them with a needle. That must have taken forever. Was it way to keep the kids quiet and engaged while the adults were busy?
      BTW: made a rather good roast broccoli and buckwheat salad last night with mint and pomegranate seeds stirred through. Needs tweaking, but the basic idea is promising.

      Liked by 1 person

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