… but on the other hand

I like to think it’s because my star sign is Libra …

Side Note: I *believe* in horoscopes only when they promise the really good stuff

Where was I? Right: I’m a Libra and apparently that makes me indecisive — and diplomatic. Which means the task of choosing favourites, even from my own work, is daunting. But that is Patti’s challenge for this week’s Lens Artists Photo Challenge | favourite photos of 2019, and I like the idea of looking back over a year’s work.

So here goes (with the caveat that today’s hot favourites could be tomorrow’s ‘also-rans’); images from 2019 that still speak to me.


Redwoods Tree Walk, Rotorua. Image; Su Leslie 2019

Taken in early January when the Big T and I visited Rotorua, this shot reminds me of a peaceful afternoon on elevated walkways high in a redwood forest. I could use some of the cool, fragrant air right now.


Summer fun. Road-trip with the Big T. Image: Su Leslie 2019

It’s become a bit of a “thing” to photograph T’s car in scenic locations. Maybe I should ask Audi for a job?


Kereru (native wood pigeon) in Ti Kouka (cabbage tree). Image: Su Leslie 2019

One of the things that has brought me great joy in the past year is seeing native birds feasting on the bounty of our trees. With so much loss of habitat in the neighbourhood, the importance of maintaining a food source for our beautiful wildlife has never been greater.


Portrait of the artist as teacher. Image: Su Leslie 2019

In April, my friend Claire sold her house and moved out of Auckland. We’ve been friends since our kids were at primary school and I miss her company, especially as I’d spent much of the previous year documenting her work as an artist and teacher.


Sunset, Wynyard Quarter, Auckland, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2019

I chose this shot of oil storage tanks at sunset simply because I think it’s beautiful.


Image: Su Leslie 2019

On a winter’s day walk in the Auckland Domain, I found this shot already staged for me, either by nature or another’s hand. Serendipity.


Welcoming party, morning walk in Turangi, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2019

Definitely not the best shot I took in July, but a lovely reminder of a frosty morning in the central North Island town of Turangi.

Impressionistic double-exposure image. Colour close-up shot of pohutukawa leaves. Image has been slightly overexposed to create a soft effect in pale greens and apricot/bronze shades. Su Leslie 2019

Pohutukawa leaves; double exposure. Image: Su Leslie 2019

I finally found the multiple-exposure setting on my camera and had fun with pohutukawa leaves and some other things. I love the colour palette in this shot.


Solace in the Wind, by Max Patte, Wellington waterfront. Image: Su Leslie 2019

One of the most photographed sculptures in New Zealand apparently. Certainly I can never resist trying to capture the changing moods of this powerful and beautiful work.


Wisteria. Image: Su Leslie 2019

October was a month of flowers and new growth. I chose this particular image because I love the colours.


Teahouse, Pukekura Park, New Plymouth. Image: Su Leslie 2019

With all that seems wrong in the world, I need to hold on to what is good, like a week in New Plymouth visiting gardens — beautiful and productive — and meeting people committed to living simpler, better lives. Each evening while I was there, I walked through the city’s stunning Pukekura Park.

December 2019

Image: Su Leslie 2019

A no-brainer really. My funny, kind and darling son.

And now a thank you …

to everyone who visits this blog, and especially those who take the time to share their thoughts and ideas and so often, kindness. I want you to know how much I appreciate your support and the community we have created here.

Wishing you all a happy new year.



88 thoughts on “… but on the other hand

  1. Your pictures are wonderful and Libra is the most sociable and friendly of all the signs. I’d have to know where the rest of your important planets are, especially moon, venus, mars, and Jupiter. I lost all my calculating books. I miss them!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I used to share a flat with an astrologer years ago. He did our charts, and we discussed them over dinner one night. I think the conclusion we reached was that some of us really shouldn’t have been living together. πŸ™‚


  2. All lovely, Su. Thank you. I remember especially the stunning wood pigeon. Or at least I remember a posting day in which you were able to capture some stunning shots of birds outside your kitchen window. I also remember that one of them was kind enough to stay in the tree while you changed lenses. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful photography this past year. I’m looking forward to the photos to come!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Hannah. It was that kereru which hung around long enough for me to change lenses. Those white berries on the tree were proving to be an irresistible buffet, and the bird was filling up.
      I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my photos. I really appreciate your visits and comments, and am so impressed with where your photography is going. You have a very good eye and some of the shots you take are exquisite.
      happy new year

      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you so much, Su. Photography seems to have been the magic balm after my husband died. Not only can I get utterly absorbed in it, it also enables me to notice again the abundant beauty in the world. And every time I’m able to capture something new, or see it in a new way, or look at a photo in editing where I can see that my skill is growing, I get so marvelously excited. Which, of course, is its own kind of balm. All of which is *exactly* what my husband would want for me after his death. Thank you, Su, for being present with yourself, your photography, and your encouragement. Happy New Year to you as well.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow, wow, and wow! Love your photo choices. I was like, ‘ohhhh, I like Jan, oh, and Feb’s good, too, and then…oh, never mind, they’re all great!’

    And yeah, Libra moon here, indecisive is my middle name πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Ha ha, guess what! I’m a Libra too….. on the 14th of October! You?

    Totally agree with your wonderful and often very touching choices – the camellia on the statue, all the bokehs and your darling child would most certainly be amongst my personal faves too.
    Don’t remember the great Audi+Bike shot but it COULD BE one of their publicities – it’s that good!

    Happy, happy New Year to you and yours – it has been a joy to find you sometime during this year. I’m glad I did.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A gorgeous post Su, I loved the way you chose and ordered them. My favorite is the double exposure and of course your adorable son. That is a beautiful portrait showing so much personality, I really loved it. Happy new year to you

    Liked by 1 person

  6. These are all so beautiful, Su. I love your January photo–what a cool, calm way to open the gallery. The horses–I immediately started a conversation between the two of them. The car–oh, yes–that photo belongs in a commercial. Contact Audi immediately! πŸ˜€ Your handsome son–my hair was that color when I was a child. I’m a Sagittarius–honest (tactless), adventurous (rebellious) and philosophical (cold). Gosh, what a lovely person I am. πŸ˜‰ Happy New Year, Su.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It was nice to see the boy child photo in color after the B-W version…

    and fav here is the Solace in the Wind, by Max Patte – because you noted how it has
    “changing moods”
    – oh and the car and bike shot – nice angle and love that adventure vibe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Yvette. I’m glad you like Solace in the Wind. It is a magnificent sculpture, and in a wonderful location (that my shot doesn’t show unfortunately). He stands on the edge of the pier on Wellington Waterfront, leaning out over the water; his face unreadable. It is a stunning piece of art.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hence the reason you said many moods – because I am sure different photos show so many diverse takeaways
        Really enjoyed your posts this week
        Well I always like your signature style – but you know what I mean –
        So much heart and soul in what you write and posted –

        Liked by 1 person

  8. You’re a brave woman to go through all those photos to choose just twelve. Every year I think I’ll do it and every year I find the thought of it to be too overwhelming and I just don’t. πŸ™‚ But I do enjoy seeing everyone else’s retrospectives and I enjoyed yours. I think the pink flower with the hand and the two horses are my favorites, but everything you do is lovely.

    Wishing you and yours a most wonderful and wonder-filled 2020! Thanks for being part of my community.



  9. My star sign is Libra too! Seems a lot of your followers are, isn’t that weird? And you only need to ask my son about indecisiveness! (Dithering over paint in B&Q). He says I think too long. He’s right. I still can’t make my mind up which fridge freezer to buy – I even have a spreadsheet listing the features! Aside of that I’m certainly not dithering over your photos, some I have seen before, others not. All fabulous. And that boy of yours is going to get hearts fluttering, what a smile! He reminds me of my eldest grandson who has the same hairstyle (not the colour) and the same sweet face shape. Let’s hope for a better world for them. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Each photo was a great choice, Su, but December and March get bonus points πŸ˜€ I remember the photo from March when you originally posted it and I’m still enamoured with that tree!

    Like you, I believe in horoscopes when they tell me what I want to hear … that everything will be awesome. Of course everything is awesome, it’s just that sometimes we have to look really hard to see it πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A totally gorgeous post, Su – but I love your photography, always! August got my heart, September got my brain, and February caught my eye – but your son’s portrait got them all! And of course I’m a Libra. With all the advantages and all the shortcomings too. Sensitivity and love of beauty and serenity I am grateful for. Wishing you and yours the very best for 2020. Hard to tell what lies ahead of us, but I turn to the joy of the little things.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Not sure how I missed this post? Anyway. Su, it has been a pleasure following you, enjoying your photography and witty remarks. Good to see another redhead as mine is now faded into a delicious shade of pale grey, redheads don’t grey as much as others.
    Look forward to more, no pressure πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Lens Artists Photo Challenge #78 – Special Spot Shots | Leya

  14. Tell me about indecisiveness!! Us Libras, eh? πŸ˜‰ Such a beautiful post and I love each and every single photo – especially the horses, they look a bit like: “What you’re looking at? Mind your own business!” Hehe! And you really should ask Audi – maybe they’ll sponsor your petrol? πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

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