Yes, it’s been a while

Whimsical? Doesn’t really make sense? But then, neither does life. Image: Su Leslie 2022

Well the blogging mojo that started deserting me in the middle of last year hasn’t returned, but I’ve had so many people reaching out with inquiries after my health and general good wishes, I’m feeling slightly ashamed of my long absence from ZimmerBitch.

The course of chemotherapy that I was prescribed post-surgery for ovarian cancer is completed. A CT scan showed the chemo had managed to shrink a residual tumor (and presumably kill off a few of the microscopic cancer cells that remained) The cancer is still present, and will grow and spread — we just don’t know how fast. I’m due to see the oncologist in a couple of weeks, so I may have a better picture after that.

In the meantime, I’m feeling quite well and am trying to just get on with life. Covid — and the emergence of arthritis in my right knee (I now have a matching set) — have put limits on my activities a bit, but I’ve still visited a few art exhibitions, taken a solo trip to Wellington, and enjoyed a couple of long weekends away with the Big T. My garden remains a source of incredible joy (not to mention quite a lot of food), and I’m having fun figuring out new ways to cook our harvest.

Latest discovery; kohlrabi works really well roasted alongside squash and carrots then turned into a soup. No photos I’m afraid; I was too busy enjoying it.

This is about the most creative I’ve been photographically — portraits of my garden produce.

Portraits of the harvest. Images: Su Leslie 2022

Thank you everyone who has got in touch; I really do appreciate your kind thoughts and concern.

66 thoughts on “Yes, it’s been a while

  1. If nothing else, your photography talents haven’t deserted you – at all. I’ve often thought of you, even if I haven’t been in touch and am glad to know there is some limited good news. Sadly, many of us of certain age can empathise with the joys of arthritis! Continuing good wishes and positive thoughts: you’re missed on the blogosphere so I hope your mojo doesn’t continue to desert you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hello Sue. Glad to hear that you are getting on the best you can. More strength to you. Great photos and produce. Life does throw curve balls which are real set backs that rock what you have and hard to fathom why. Glad you have dropped in and please do so every now and then. 🤗💕

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Su–it is so good to see you here again. I have missed you and your beautiful photography. Cancer is a bitch, isn’t it? I have Pet scans every four months and, no matter how good I feel, I hold my breath until the oncologist says, “Looks great!” Modern medicine is pretty darn amazing, so I wish you all good things on this journey. 😘

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Great photography Su – like the still life paintings of Dutch artists with those black backgrounds, you certainly haven’t lost your touch, such a pleasure to see a post from you. Glad you have been able to get out and about a bit, darn covid has changed life a lot and probably more than you can cope with at this time. Sending you positive vibes from Cornwall xx

    Liked by 2 people

  5. So good to hear from you, Su! Your photography continues to amaze. Please keep “too busy enjoying life”. It’s something we should all be doing. You rock.


    Liked by 2 people

  6. So happy to find you here, Su. I’ve been thinking of you a lot. Good to hear you have made some real progress with your treatment. Just shows what you can do. Cheering you onwards and upwards.

    Lovely photos as ever. Tx

    Liked by 2 people

  7. May your journey through cancer give you a stronger appreciation for the people in your life who matter, as well as a love for living in the moments that are pain- and stress-free. I’m almost three years post breast cancer. I still sometimes struggle with the abrupt transition to the person I am now from the person I was then. But, I hope you are finding your feet and that they are somewhere you want to be, with people you love, and a great view. Even if it is mostly of tomatoes in your back garden! (Great shots, by the way. I’m jealous. I still have more of a black-than-green thumb. But hope springs eternal. I have so many tomato plant seedlings, I may have to set up a farm stand just to get rid of them all.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s so lovely to read your comment. You always make my smile, and cut to the heart of what matters.
      The view this week is definitely not tomatoes (which are waay past their best now), but the mountains and fjords of the South Island. If only it would stop raining!!!

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  8. Dear Sue, I think of you often and my prayers are with you. We’ve been sick with covid and it has knocked the stuffing out of us. On top of that I’ve put my back out.What a year!
    Hang in there.
    Leslie xoxo

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  9. It’s more about enjoying your life, in any way that works for you, Su. You know we are tenacious here on WP and don’t like a talented friend to stray, but truly, life is more important. Be well, be happy! We will still think of you and wish you well.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Su, I have been thinking about you. I wish the news about the cancer was better. We miss you but it really is more important to concentrate on living well. It is good to know that you are feeling well so far.
    I love the photos. Very arty farty.
    All is well here. Not much photography happening. I can’t remember whether I emailed you a photo of my octopus lady? If not, would you lime me to?
    Anyhoo, take care and crossed fingers that the oncologist appointment goes well.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Well thank goodness. I’ve been checking in on your blog every few weeks and keeping you in my good thoughts and prayers. Glad your health is improving. Love the new pics–very different vibe from so many that I’ve seen from you but I love the contrast. Keep up the good fight, staying in the moment. Love and a huge hug from across the miles . . .

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Absolutely thrilled to see you here, Su!!! 😀 I never even knew that you could roast kohlrabi! I only ever ate it raw when I was a kid but stopped eating it at some point, kind of got tired of its taste or something I guess. Anyway, So happy to read you’re having fun finding new ways how to make the most of your garden harvest. 😀 Love your veggie portraits! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Thank you for finding the time to give us an update Su. I think of you often and send you good wishes and hugs (even in covid times) Love your beautiful atmospheric photos. Enjoy the South Island such a photogenic place. I envy you all your garden goodness. Somehow you have slipped off my reader, so good to find you again.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Su, Su, you wonderful creature !! – you blonde bombshell you !!
    I’ve just been supplied with a new laptop through my Home Care Package Provider, an extraordinary group called Aunty Grace .. I love ’em.
    So at last I can log in and tell you how happy I am to hear from you again – as are, it’s obvious, all your followers.
    I shall now move on to your next post ..

    Liked by 1 person

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