Award-free blog

I’ve taken the decision not to accept any blogging awards on ZimmerBitch because I can’t commit the time to engage with these awards fully.

I really like the concept of sharing recognition of each other’s work, and I believe the most important aspect of that sharing is responding to the requirements of the award fully.

Instead, I would like to informally share those blogs and posts which delight, move and inspire me – in my own way and in my own time.

I hope no-one will take offense at this decision.

Ngā mihi nui (my best wishes)


20 thoughts on “Award-free blog

    • I think going Award-free is almost inevitable after a while. It’s lovely to be nominated, but I found that it took away from my time to write the posts I actually wanted to. What was your experience?


      • Agree!
        I was swept away by the honor, and acceptance of the awards…. at first.
        After a while it seemed all there was to blogging was accepting & spreading.
        Joy to all who share the memes, and I love blogging!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I nominate your blog for the “Award Free” award! Congratulations. The rules are: 1) Accept this award without complaint. 2) Bask in the glow of your blog’s awesome award-free-ness 3) Stop reading this comment (but read the next bit ’cause it’s funny).

    J. Poindexter, Chairman, Award-free Awards Association-free Association

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, totally understand. I know people mean well, but after a while it felt like the “likes” on Facebook. It is a lot of work as well, and with my limited time, I’m much happier writing and reading posts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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