A change in the weather

Narrow path in the sand between dunes leading to the beach at Mangawhai Heads, NZ.. Image: Su Leslie, 2016

“A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves.”  — Marcel Proust.  Heading to the beach at Mangawhai Heads. Image: Su Leslie, 2016

It didn’t rain much on Saturday. In fact, for most of the day there was a cold sunshine and relatively light winds. The Big T and I celebrated by going to Mangawhai Heads for lunch and a walk on the beach.

Sand dune at Mangawhai Heads, NZ. Image: Su Leslie, 2016. Edited with Snapseed.

Sand dunes at Mangawhai Heads, NZ. Image: Su Leslie, 2016. Edited with Snapseed.

Weathered rocks form a breakwater at the harbour entrance. Mangawhai Heads, NZ. Image: Su Leslie, 2016

Weathered rocks form a breakwater at the harbour entrance. Mangawhai Heads, NZ. Image: Su Leslie, 2016

I find myself talking about the weather a lot these days. I can’t decide if this is a sign of aging, or just another unfortunate effect of climate change.

Don’t knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn’t start a conversation if it didn’t change once in a while.  —  Kin Hubbard

This post was written for Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge at Lens and Pens by Sally.

62 thoughts on “A change in the weather

  1. Pingback: Sally D’s Mobile Photography Challenge: Nature (Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park) | Lens and Pens by Sally

  2. I don’t ever remember people taking about the weather when I was younger and now we seemed obsessed about it. One can’t help but notice the extremes.
    In comparison we are having a very hot and dry summer. People are calling it a drought – something unheard of in this area.
    Before long we will be switching places and I’ll be complaining about the cold again 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think that an obsession with the weather is a very British thing. Which is weird when you consider that Britain generally experiences a pretty narrow range of “weather” — globally speaking. My mother, who lives in England, fills her emails to me with details about it, and has even started commenting on the weather here in NZ (she has a weather app on her iPad and checks the forecast for Auckland).
      I think you are right though; we are experiencing more extreme weather and the impact on individuals and communities is sometimes devastating. I do hope you don’t find yourselves in drought conditions; that’s unpleasant at best and scary if it goes on too long. No chance of that here; the lawn is so sodden I need my wellies (gumboots? rubber boots? galoshes?) even to walk to the vege patch. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Such stunning land-/seascapes, Su!!! And I think they definitely work better in colour than in b/w 😉 And did I mention, I´m also a big sucker for clouds!! Latest hobby: holding the camera into the sky and just shoot! 😉 Captured some lovely dramatic cloud formations on sunday on a field shortly before the storm break loose!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Will see if I can edit them a bit before as I´m still not much used to coloured photography – I admit: that sounds kind of old-fashioned now, as if I´m a time-traveler or something 😉 Should go to bed now before I start babbling 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • I think that’s lovely. My son has discovered disposable camera film photography and is a huge enthusiast. It’s funny because film photography for him is just something he had to do in a school course, while for me, it’s most of my photographic history. The wheel of technology and adoption keeps turning. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • So he’s a photographer as well! I’m sure he’s just as talented as his Mom! 🙂 Does he also blog? Would love to see the Pictures! As much as I embrace this new photographic technology – and I really do! – I kind of miss the thrill you had while you waited for the developed pics 😉 You could never be 100 % sure it worked out as intended 😉 Luckily I can still enjoy this kind of excitement when I fire my potteries – the result is never certain.

            Liked by 1 person

          • He’s THE photographer of the family — as in, it’s his job and he has a proper qualification and everything! I really don’t miss film photography. It might be different now that I am a bit more skilled, but I was generally disappointed with most of my photos in the film ear.
            I know what you mean about the excitement of working with a physical medium that changes when you’re not watching. I love making actual physical things. Can’t do pottery because I hate the feel of clay on my hands, but I like polymer clay. And I’m seriously thinking about doing a glass casting course. There is a weekend one in the town where my Dad lives, and I’m trying to justify the expense by treating it as a “good daughter” visit. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Wow! That´s so awesome that your son can make a living with the thing he loves!! Now I understand why studying isn´t a real option at the moment 😉
            I don´t really miss film photography either 😉 But there´s one thing I really would love to try sometime: the wet (kollodium) plate process! Granted: it´s absolutely difficult and everything, but the quality of the shots that where made at those early times is just unbeatable. Imagine traveling with those huge cameras and all the other equipment you need to to make a shot – those early photographers were truly heroes in my mind! 🙂
            Haha! Yes, there are people who don´t like the feeling of clay on their hands 😉 I just love it 🙂 But polymer clay is a very good substitute I believe. Do you have any pictures from your pieces? Would love to see them! 🙂
            Wow! Glass casting sounds seriously great! You should definitely do it!! (And tell me all about it afterwards 😉 )

            Liked by 1 person

          • He knows he’s fortunate: and is really trying to make the most of it and learn as much as he can. I do have some photos of the dolls in progress. I keep thinking I should write a post about them. Hope you’re having a good weekend; it’s really cold here. Mulled wine weather!!!

            Liked by 1 person

          • Luck can bring you only so far, he must be awesomely talented as well! 🙂 Does he work for a publishing company etc. or is he a freelancer?
            I can only agree: write that post!! 🙂
            It won´t be long here and it´s cold again! Our summers seem to shorten with every passing year, maybe due to global warming…
            But as long as it´s not raining and above 20 degrees celsius I´m not complaining 😉 Enjoy your mulled wine! xxx


          • He works for a photographic studio that has a contract with a big retail company to take photographs for their catalogue/website. Blogging is on hold a bit at the moment; the Big T’s mother is dying and we are all just focused on family at the moment. I’m doing a bit of a blitz on my mail and social media this morning before I head back to see her.


          • Thanks so much Sarah. I doubt there is any good way to die, but this is a particularly distressing one for all concerned. The good thing though, is that it has brought the family together under one roof, and my mother-in-law is never alone. We are taking turns to sit with her.

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          • Doh! Meant to say I love the idea of the old silver plate photography. There is a guy here in Auckland who does it. I got talking to him a while ago. You are absolutely right about the weight, etc of the equipment. He is taking “retro” to an extreme — but getting fantastic results. I’ll try and find a link to his website for you.

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