Regular Random: five minutes with my lunch

Close up shot of a few rocket leaves and walnut halves. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Rocket and walnuts; a yummy combination. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Feeling abnormally disinclined to cook this past week, meals have been very simple affairs.

Blue cheese, walnuts and rocket is one of my favourite “three good things” combinations. Add fresh bread — instant lunch.

Five Minutes of Random (the #RegularRandom challenge), is hosted by Desley Jane at Musings of a Frequently Flying Scientist. 

If you’d like to join in:

  • choose a subject or a scene
  • spend five minutes photographing it – no more!
  • try to see it from many angles, look through something at it, change the light that’s hitting it
  • tag your post #regularrandom and ping back to Desley’s post
  • have fun!


45 thoughts on “Regular Random: five minutes with my lunch

  1. Delicious! Oh except blue cheese, it’s a taste I have not been able to acquire. I love the idea of five minutes with lunch (I did it a while back) because you get instant gratification when you put down your camera 😂😂 Might have to do it again soon.

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  2. And a pear? I’m not so keen on pears, but I am thinking that they may go very nicely with blue cheese and brown bread. Your lunch looks delish Su. Now I am thinking of making some blue cheese and walnut bread…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I haven’t made blue cheese and walnut bread, but it sounds wonderful. I only like pears when they are really crisp (or cooked with ginger), but I think the texture and slight acidity works well with all the other things. 🙂

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      • I have made walnut and fig bread. How hard is it to put some blue cheese in? Worth a try. I only like pears when they are very juicy – I hate the floury texture they often have and I don’t like them hard either. Poached pears are nice though with a chocolate sauce. 😀

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          • The recipe I used is from “Sourdough | Slow bread for busy lives” by Andrew Whitley. Basically you take 30 grams / 1oz wholewheat flour (preferably organic as it isn’t sprayed with fungicides, etc) and mix it in a glass, plastic or ceramic bowl with 30g / 1oz water (filtered, at 35 degrees C / 95F). Put it aside, loosely covered. Next day add the same amount of flour and water. On day three add 30g flour and 15g water. On day 4 add 90g flour (can be white, but preferably still organic) and 45g water. If all goes according to plan you should have a bowl of batter/dough that has nice bubbles and is quite fruity-smelling. At this point you should have 300 grams of usable starter. Most recipes I’ve found use less than that to make a loaf of bread, so you just keep feeding whatever is left in a ratio of 1:1. Some people suggest making the leftover starter thicker (more flour) so it keeps better in the fridge. I found this — which has the same basic instructions if slightly different amounts/flours. Good luck. PS: Let me know if you want a recipe for the actual bread and I can email you one.

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          • The first time you make one, grow it at room temperature. They are fairly tolerant in terms of actual temperature. Warmer = grows faster. Though, if your house is really warm, experiment with a slightly cooler spot. There should be enough completed starter to bake your first loaf and have some left over for future baking. I keep that in the fridge. It has to be “refreshed” (ie fed) before you use it. Where will I find your email address to send the recipe?

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