

Rice paper rolls filled with Asian slaw and peanuts. Image: Su Leslie 2018

Apparently there is scientific evidence that we really do “eat with our eyes first” — which probably explains why so many people enjoy colourful food, nicely presented.

My lunch today was these rice-paper rolls — filled with a mixture of shredded red cabbage, carrots, bean sprouts, spring onion and peanuts along with mint, coriander and basil. They are quick and easy to make (especially when there’s a container of filling already in the fridge), and although I haven’t acquired the knack of wrapping them neatly, they tasted pretty good. Especially with a little bit of hot plum sauce for dipping.

The plate was made by Merilyn Wiseman and the cup by Andrew van der Putten, both New Zealand ceramics artists.

Lens-Artists photo challenge |colourful

Regular Random: five minutes with pumpkin soup and cheesy cornbread

Bowl of homemade pumpkin soup and plate with two pieces of cheese and herb cornbread. Image: Su Leslie, 2018

Homemade pumpkin soup and cornbread with cheese and thyme. Image: Su Leslie, 2018

It has definitely begun to feel like winter here, so when Tracy at Reflections of an Untidy Mind mentioned making pumpkin soup in her Changing Seasons post, I experienced one of those really powerful taste memories.

Perhaps inevitably, pumpkin soup was on our dinner menu last night, along with some cheese and herb cornbread.

Both easy to make and, as it turned out, quite yummy.

These shots are of today’s lunch (of course there were leftovers).

Regular Random is a photo challenge hosted by Desley Jane at Musings of a Frequently Flying Scientist. If you’d like to join in:

  • choose a subject or a scene
  • spend five minutes photographing it – no more!
  • try to not interfere with the subject, instead see it from many angles, look through something at it, change the light that’s hitting it
  • have fun!
  • tag your post #regularrandom and ping back to Desley’s post

Delish of the day

Close-up shot of roasted golden beetroot and feta salad on duck-egg blue plate. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Roasted golden beetroot and feta salad. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Following last week’s #regularrandom post (Five Minutes with Three Good Things), here’s a shot of the finished dish.

Because the golden beetroot don’t bleed like the red variety, I was able to peel and chop these for roasting. That meant they got a little bit caramelised; and picked up the flavours of garlic and rosemary which I’d added to the roasting dish.

With quite a lot going on taste-wise in the beetroot themselves, I kept the dish simple with just a few salad leaves, some crumbled feta and a bit of balsamic dressing.

The verdict: pretty tasty. But given how long the beetroot took to roast (about 35 minutes — and they were small pieces), I’d probably only do this again in a vastly scaled-up form — for a summer lunch party maybe.

Regular Random: five minutes with my lunch

Close up shot of a few rocket leaves and walnut halves. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Rocket and walnuts; a yummy combination. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Feeling abnormally disinclined to cook this past week, meals have been very simple affairs.

Blue cheese, walnuts and rocket is one of my favourite “three good things” combinations. Add fresh bread — instant lunch.

Five Minutes of Random (the #RegularRandom challenge), is hosted by Desley Jane at Musings of a Frequently Flying Scientist. 

If you’d like to join in:

  • choose a subject or a scene
  • spend five minutes photographing it – no more!
  • try to see it from many angles, look through something at it, change the light that’s hitting it
  • tag your post #regularrandom and ping back to Desley’s post
  • have fun!