DP Photo Challenge: a face in the crowd

Rowers from a local school club bringing in the pilot boats after a training session, Hobsonville Wharf, Auckland, New Zealand. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Rowers from a local school club bringing in the pilot boats after an early-morning training session, Hobsonville Wharf, Auckland, New Zealand. Image: Su Leslie, 2017

Being part of a team is in some ways analogous to being “a face in the crowd”. Teams work best when individuals work towards their shared goal, rather than trying to stand out and be seen for their own performance. This may be particularly true of rowers where, apart from the cox, the movements of all crew members need to be synchronized.

Daily Post Photo Challenge | a face in the crowd

46 thoughts on “DP Photo Challenge: a face in the crowd

    • It is amazing, and so beautiful to watch. It’s a really popular sport locally so I often see high school teams out. I have enormous admiration for these young people who train several times a week, very early in the morning, even in the middle of winter. Their commitment pays off in so many ways; a cousin’s daughter is studying at a university in the US on a rowing scholarship — something she could never have done otherwise.

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  1. That is a truly elegant photograph. It looks like an old movie. I expect Bogart to step out of the fog.

    Are you planning to run the Changing Seasons challenge? I’ve been waiting for a post from you and the month ends soon. I’m going to run something on Sunday, regardless … should I link to you? Without a challenge for this month, the best I can do is link to your January post. I would appreciate it if you could let me know what you’d like to do, okay?

    Best, Marilyn

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    • Hi Marilyn. I’m still planning to run the Changing Seasons. Feb is always going to be a tricky month for me on this one. My son’s birthday is right at the end of the month, and he’s still at an age where that’s a big deal in my calendar. I’ll get at least a placeholder post up by Sunday, so that there is something to link to and I can do the blog roll.


  2. I can do no more than to chime in with the above comments. This is indeed a lovely, evocative photo. As we’ve been watching the Olympics, I’ve been enjoying team interactions and participation quite a lot over the last week and a half or so.


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  3. Pingback: WPC: Anonymity Known | Lillie-Put

  4. Pingback: A Face in the Crowd – When the Face is the Crowd – What's (in) the picture?

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