Together, alone

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Same style, same obsession. Terminal, Munich Airport. Su Leslie 2015

Seven Day Black & White Photo Challenge — Street Photography: Day 3

My friend Sarah at Art Expedition is hosting a variation on the Seven Day B&W Challenge — this time the image must include people.

The rules are:

• Thank the person who has nominated/tagged you and provide a link to their blog.

•  Go out and take pictures of complete strangers for 7 days in a row and post one of them each day of the challenge (you can also post 7 photos in one post if you´re more comfortable with this).

• The photos should be in b/w.

• Nominate as many people as you like

I’m still not quite up to going out shooting street photography, but when I saw Sarah’s latest shot of a group together in space and time, but without engagement, it reminded me of this group I saw at Munich airport a few years ago. Four young women in the same uniform of mini-skirts, black tights, ankle boots (the closest two were wearing identical boots) and black jackets — all utterly focused on their phones.

As always, I’m not a fan of individual nominations, but invite everyone to take part in this if you can fit it in your blogging schedule. And don’t forget to visit Sarah’s blog and see her Berlin street photography.


41 thoughts on “Together, alone

    • 🙂 I have to leave the village to shoot people. I’ve been here so long people know me and I’d either get a bollocking for trying to photograph them, or I’d be stuck in one of those long gossipy “catch-ups” that go on forever.


      • Crazy how suddenly one’s self-worth is dependent on strangers ‘liking’ your stuff. Luckily my kids are the generation above these, but your son isn’t. And my granddaughters are always on vloggers – hair and beauty sites. They don’t have their own opinions, just reflect those of others whom they admire worship 😦

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yeah; it’s worrying. My son used to be a complete nightmare, especially in terms of his clothing choices. But these days he’s studying communications at university and has a job managing the website and social media for a skateboarding shop and I’ve noticed that now he’s in the industry, he’s a bit more rational — and cynical. And perhaps just a bit older too. He’s 20, and I’m guessing your granddaughters are a lot younger than that.

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          • The two I am referring to are younger: 14 and 11, they are very influenced by social media. Odd as neither me or their mother are in the slightest bit interested in fashion or make-up. Perhaps it is because we were the only girls in our families that we were less girly.

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          • Hopefully they will grow out of it. My mum is one of five girls, but wasn’t particularly “girly” and I grew up with only brothers and mostly boys in the neighbourhood so I’ve always been less into make-up than either make-believe or making things. I remember wandering through the “girl” section of Mothercare in Milton Keynes when heavily pregnant, and feeling overwhelmed by the volume of pink froth, thinking “please let me have a boy.”

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          • Hehe. I remember my mother going ballistic the first time she saw the boy child in the hot pink babygro I bought. Then I showed her the lavender and lime green ones that were also in the pack. I shouldn’t wind her up, but the kid looked gorgeous in them.

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  1. Perfect title for a stunning photo, Su! The uniformity is a very nice extra touch. I always wonder why people seem to like dressing like everybody else, I rather wear things – and bags😉 – no one else has.
    Hope you’re feeling a bit better today. And don’t worry about taking pics from your archives, that’s absolutely fine with me!! Xxxxxxxx

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