26 thoughts on “Macro Monday — from the couch

  1. Excellent idea. I am well into Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey. The first couple of chapters seemed very familiar but now I am no longer sure. I certainly don’t know, or don’t remember, what happens next!

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    • I felt like that when I re-read it a couple of years ago. I knew I had read it before, in about the 4th form, although I remembered only a vague outline of the plot, not the details (or even the book’s name). Glad you are enjoying it 🙂

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  2. I guess this is part of your lovely blanket? Rest as much as you can there’s no sense in running around before you feel better because it only prolongs the illness. A lesson I had to learn over the years. Happy reading! Xxxxxxxx

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  3. Wishing you a speedy recovery, but don’t rush the process. Flu sucks! Last year it took me a month to get over a summer flu bug and I couldn’t read or use the computer as I had bad headaches 😦
    You have a very classy blanket there… 🙂

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    • Oh no. Not being able to read for long periods would drive me insane. Am feeling generally better; but tired. Glad you like the blanket; I made it to jazz up our bed for when we (finally) sell and need to make the place look like a show home (sound of hysterical laughter). 🙂

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      • Hahaha… Oh, if I get to NZ we have to meet up, you are so much like me! Well not really, you can sew. And cook. And take very beautiful photos 🙂
        I was very tired last year and overdid things, like going to the beach and walking with my granddaughters so take it easy! At least in winter the weather is an excuse to stay indoors.

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        • Definitely!!! It would be great to meet up if you get here. Hopefully the blanket will have worked it’s Vogue Interiors magic and we’ll have sold, and bought somewhere fabulous for you to come and visit.
          I am still doing not much of anything. And you’re right — it’s much easier when it’s cold and rainy outside.

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