A threesome of threesomes

House of Dior exhibition at National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 2017. Image: Su Leslie 2017

Street performer with his two “lovely assistants”. Auckland Anniversary Weekend celebrations, 2015. Image: Su Leslie

Wood chopping; Helensville A&P Show, 2017. Image: Su Leslie

One-Word Sunday | threesome

31 thoughts on “A threesome of threesomes

  1. I love street performers. Late May to early June 2018 I did a series of video blogs from a Key West, Fl trip I went on. In one if those blogs, I think titled ” Key West Trip Day 3 or 4?” I posted a bunch of short videos of street performers in Key West. You might enjoy them.

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  2. I love the shot of the dresses, partly for the dresses and partly for the way the color arrangement makes it feel as though part of the photo is B&W and part color. Chopping wood while standing on it???? Crazy or courageous, but you’d best be quite good!!


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    • The dresses were wonderful. I’m very pragmatic in my clothing choices and not much into glamour, but I loved the Dior collection — especially the earlier dresses, like these.
      Wood-chopping is quite a popular sport here. You don’t hear about accidents, so maybe it’s easier than it looks 🤔

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    • 🙂 I love watching wood-chopping, though my favourite is where they have to take the top of an upright pole (about 3m high), by cutting a notch in the side and putting a planks in the notch to stand on. They do this about three times and end up a couple of metres off the ground. It’s so cool to watch!


  3. I thought the wood chopper on the left had a cigarette in his mouth but I think it is a chip of wood flying near his face. It’s a wonder the men don’t have to wear safety googles!
    A great threesome x 3. By the way, I am sure you could make some lovely, stylish summer dresses.

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