Little shop of delights

Studio Sale, Claire Delaney Studio, Auckland, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2018

I’m a buyer, not a shopper. I tend to know what I need and dislike shopping as recreation.

There are exceptions of course. I love bookshops (especially second-hand) and small independent galleries.

And pop-up shops run by those who make the products; like my friend Claire’s studio sale last weekend.

Studio Sale, Claire Delaney Studio, Auckland, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2018

Claire makes her living entirely from art — teaching, painting and book illustration. Her annual pre-Christmas sale — which this year included the new edition of her book Little Wing — is an important source of her income.

I’m pleased to say that (appropriately) Little Wing was flying off the shelves, and there were lots of red stickers on the original art too.

Ragtag Daily Prompt | Shop

27 thoughts on “Little shop of delights

  1. I hear you regarding shopping as a leisure activity, I am not a shopper! Though I can spend hours looking in art galleries, second-hand bookshops and “arty” types places.

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  2. I like your distinction between buying and shopping, Su. I tend to also be a buyer, although like you, I can spend a lot of time at a bookstore. I can also while away some time in a thrift store. How wonderful that your friend is able to make her living as an artist. That’s not an easy thing to do. Her work is wonderful.


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