Is it really four years ago?

For the last few days, FaceBook has helpfully been reminding me that in 2015 at this time, the Big T, the boy-child and I were on holiday together; in San Francisco, Munich, Bordeaux, then London.

On our last night in San Francisco, we ate somewhere off Washington Square, after an afternoon watching our only child skateboard down Lombard Street. As you do.

Posted to Six Word Saturday.

48 thoughts on “Is it really four years ago?

    • 😂😂 Lombard street is always so busy with tourists — and cars. The scariest thing was knowing that he only had a small window in the traffic!!
      He gets his hair colour from his dad, although the Big T’s has faded a lot over the years. Apparently my maternal grandfather was also a redhead, and I’ve seen photos of him as a young man, which could have been the boy-child the likeness was so strong.

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  1. To paraphrase Dr. Seuss: And to think that he did that on Lombard Street! 🙂 I find FB useful for such reminders, although right now I’m having a huge problem with them. For some reason, they think my blog posts violate their community standards and are blocking every one I try to post. I know my flower photos might offend some, but… Seriously, it’s beyond annoying and of course you can’t get to a real person to look and change it.


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  2. Nice shots – and I know something about the terror…my son started at 10-12 something and is still skating at 27. But now mostly longboard dancing. He went to Paris with some big shots in dancing, and he is going for the world shampionships, he tells me. In March they are meeting up in Amsterdam. I am not scared anymore, dancing on those longboards is not half as dangerous… Lucky your son to be working in the business – when our son was younger that was his goal as well. To those youngsters skateboarding means freedom and cleansing of body and mind – at least that is what my son tells me. Looking at your skilled son makes me remember and miss those days…

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    • Wow. I’ve seen longboards ridden downhill, but didn’t know about longboard dancing. How cool that your son is involved and doing so well. My son realised quite early on that he wasn’t ever going to be a pro skater, and that his real talent lay in photographing and filming skaters. He made his first skate “feature” when he was about 13-14 and it played in skate shops around the country. That’s how he got into the business really.


  3. Snap 🙂 though not all the same countries. I miss the organisation of leaving to go housesitting back to Europe. Will, no doubt do it again by myself one day when the time is right. Not sure about the skateboard. Fell off my damned bike this morning, more embarrassing than hurt as at the same time of the tumble a traffic cop went past. Stopped when he saw me and had his flashing noisy added to the embarrassment 🙂


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