Layers upon layers


Evening light, Whanganui River estuary. Image; Su Leslie 2019

This week’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge asks for interpretations of the word layered.

Do I approach it literally with the layers of a macaron or a cafe breakfast?


Salted caramel macaron. Not only layering of the biscuits with buttercream, but layers within the baking itself. Image: Su Leslie 2019


Hash-browns, mushrooms, eggs; layered to look good on the plate and distribute those delicious runny yolks throughout the dish. Image: Su Leslie 2019

Or stacked container layers, gone awry in high winds?


Containers, Wellington Harbour. High winds have wrecked havoc with the carefully constructed layers. Image: Su Leslie 2017

More broken layers?


Reflections in the contoured glass exterior of the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery/Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2017

Or maybe layers in art?


Detail, ‘Wave 2’ sculpture by Annette Thas. A tidal wave of discarded Barbie dolls installed at Tamarama Beach as part of Sculpture by the Sea, Bondi 2015. Image: Su Leslie


Layer after layer of discarded Barbie dolls form a wave shape. Layers of plastic and layers of meaning. Image: Su Leslie 2015

And then there are layers created by the two-dimensional nature of photography; compressing landscapes into bands of colour and texture.


Landscape, Canterbury, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2019


Tutukaka, Northland, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2019

Not to mention layered images; double-exposures, super-impositions.


Double-exposures; a newly discovered camera setting. Su Leslie 2019


Photo-montage. Su Leslie 2019

Obviously, I couldn’t decide which to focus on.

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge | layered

44 thoughts on “Layers upon layers

  1. I love this layer series, Su. The images of broken layers are creative and beautiful. The barbies send out some serious message. The last one is like a beautiful painting. Thank you for joining in. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Obviously, I couldn’t decide which to focus on–I do love a good pun. Did you plate the hash browns? So lovely. The Barbie tidal wave–that’s crazy! Double exposure….I have got to look at my camera. The last photo is so dreamy….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your variety and crreativity, Su! The Barbie wave really hit me…and your double exposures! I have it on my camera too, but haven’t figured out how to make use of it – thank you for the inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. And I don’t have a problem with you not being able to focus on just one approach to this subject – the more of your beautiful photos the better! 😄 xxxxxx
    Oh, my I don’t think I saw that wave of discarded Barbie dolls before – it’s fascinating to watch and think about. And I love the layers of food – yep, I’m hungry at the moment! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Absolutely fabulous range of shots here, Su. Plus, they are so well-captured. You’ve really explored the full range of the theme. I am especially drawn to the Barbie sculpture. It’s haunting and wonderful at the same time!

    Liked by 1 person

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