Saving, and savouring, daylight


Rural landscape, just south of Auckland, NZ. Image: Su Leslie 2020

When the boy-child was small and had limitless, mother-draining energy, I loathed daylight saving. I spent those long evenings wrangling the solar-powered monster into bed so I could — finally, finally — stop for the day.

I think overall I still prefer light in the early morning when I’m more alert, but I can’t deny that it’s incredibly pleasant to watch a landscape slowly turn ever more golden while having a beer on the deck with friends.

Not my deck in this case — our views aren’t nearly as spectacular.

Ragtag Daily Prompt | daylight

25 thoughts on “Saving, and savouring, daylight

  1. I like both sorts of light, but I’m a morning person and I see lots more morning light. In the evening, I’m usually inside getting dinner or something. The morning is when I get out and about. 🙂

    I like your “mother-draining energy” phrase. So true. My husband also had the tendency to get the girls all worked up in the evening and then tell me, “OK, you can get them ready for bed.” 🙂 Thanks for nothing, dear!


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  2. We only get that light in the fall, usually October. It’s probably the reason I love the season so much. That’s such a beautiful scene. I like morning better too because I’m still awake and alert enough to do something. By evening, I’m too tired to do more than finish off blogs and catch some TV.

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  3. Pingback: AUTUMN AFTERNOON AND AMBER SUNLIGHT #14 – Garry Armstrong | Serendipity Seeking Intelligent Life on Earth

  4. Beautiful view! I hated daylight savings when I was a kid and had to get up for school when it was still dark. These days they’re trying out a different system where students can choose when they want to start school: at 8 or at 9 am. I wish they’d that system going back then!! 😁

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