Virtual Afternoon Tea, February 2021

Peach galette. Image: Su Leslie 2021

Wherever you are, and whatever is happening in your world, Kia ora koutou katoa  (Greetings. Hello to you all)

I don’t know about you, but I really need this cuppa. What a week it’s been.

First of all, some minor eye surgery I was meant to have on Monday was rescheduled … to this afternoon. Then Auckland went into a mini Covid lock-down and I was sure my appointment would be moved again.

It was, but was brought forward to this morning.

So by the time you read this I should be back home, though probably with blurry vision.

Just as well this is a virtual tea party; you won’t be able to see if I drop food or slop my tea.

Homemade oatcakes. Image: Su Leslie 2021

I love Scottish oatcakes and have been thinking for a while I should make some. I found a recipe in Maw Broon’s Cookbook (my bible for Scottish cooking) plus many more online. I also found huge variation.

Some recipes specify wheat flour as well as oats. Some include a raising agent; others not. Some contain sugar (ugh). The proportions of dry and wet ingredients varies; as does the ratios of different kinds of oats. Most include butter or lard, but one suggested goose fat.

Needless to say, I’ve experimented (though not with goose fat). The Big T and I have (stoically) chomped our way through several batches now and I’m generally happy with the results.

Especially with a little bit of brie and some peach and Scotch Bonnet preserve.

Oatcakes, brie, and peach chilli preserve. Image: Su Leslie 2021

You may have already guessed that my favourite golden queen peaches are still in season, still utterly delicious, and still on the menu.

I’m not really a pastry lover, but I found a nice-looking recipe for a peach galette, which was also ridiculously simple. And since the Big T made such positive noises when I suggested it, what could I do?

Just baked. Peach galette. Image: Su Leslie 2021

I confess I modified the pastry slightly, replacing some of the flour and butter with almond meal. That accounts for the slightly darker, mottled colour and crumblier texture — which I liked — but I think T would prefer it if I just stuck to the recipe.

I also baked some banana walnut bread, which turned out super-moist and more like cake. You could butter yours, but I think I prefer it without. Just a nice flat white.

Banana bread and a flat white. Image: Su Leslie 2021

Pull up a chair, grab a plate and help yourself. Tell me what you’ve been up to? What’s happening in your world?  Your comments make blogging so much more interesting.

And if you’d like to contribute a post of your own — even better. Maybe a shot of your cuppa and/or whatever you’re having with it. A recipe if you like.

I’ll update each of my posts with a ping-back to everyone’s in the same way as I do with The Changing Seasons.

#virtualteaparty2021 for anyone on Instagram who wants to post images (or video?)


Despite a fierce storm, my co-host Del (CurlsnSkirls) has made some delicious cranberry bread, and shared the recipe.

Tracy at Reflections of an Untidy Mind has baked what looks to me like a wonderfully gourmet damper — which is Australian bush-bread.

Fellow Kiwi Leanne joins us this month, with a wonderful Blueberry Lemon Verbena Bundt Cake. Please visit her at The Herbalist’s Cottage and say hello.

Janet at This,That and the Other Thing has made some totally yummy-looking macaroons (not macarons).

Sarah from Art Expedition has baked some oat shortbread cookies which look utterly delicious. Pop over to try one, or some pomegranate turkish delight. You can also find out what Sarah’s been reading — a great source of book recommendations don’t you think?

Irene at My Slice of Mexico is celebrating her third anniversary blogging, and has shared an absolute feast with us. Do visit her post to see the yummy dishes and recipes.

Jo at RestlessJo is sharing treats from Valentine’s Day and a special family birthday.

Ladyleemanila is enjoying a slice of apple crumble cake amidst some beautiful flowers.

Deb at The Widow Badass has not only created a wonderful comfort food feast (hint, pasta, pancakes and rice pudding), but has wrapped it all up in a lovely, funny post with lots of photos. Go and see for yourself.

ReginaMary at Cosmicknitter has some very elegant-looking tea and chocolate chip scones.

Streusel-topped blueberry muffins from Ju-Lyn at All Things Bright and Beautiful. What can I say ….. yuuuum.

Yvette at Priorhouse Blog has found a delicious combination of English Breakfast tea and Frooze Balls — a little sweet treat made here in Auckland. How cool that Yvette can buy them in a shop near her place.

101 thoughts on “Virtual Afternoon Tea, February 2021

  1. Pingback: L’heure du thé | This, that and the other thing

  2. All of the above look delicious, Su, so I think I’ll just try everything. My mother-in-law always put up homemade canned peaches and I regret I don’t know what I ever did with the recipe or if I even wrote it down. She would go somewhere to pick them herself and unless you can do that or get a great price somewhere, it’s so expensive. So when we can get fresh peaches, we tend to just eat them.

    What have I been doing? Monday, as you already know, I drove 2 1/2 hours north to Flagstaff, Arizona to meet Lisa of Micro of the Macro and to see snow. Both were wonderful 🙂 Other than that, I’ve been doing financial work, blogging, reading, etc. But I also got my virtual tea together and you’ll find it here:

    Perhaps you’ll guess it has a French theme to it. 🙂 Tomorrow I go for a bone density test and I’ve had my first Covid vaccination shot, with the second scheduled for early March. I got my parents signed up and when we arrived and the woman at the registration table asked if I’d like mine as well, what could I say but “Yes!”?

    As always, thanks for being the virtual hostess.



      • Glad to hear you’re doing better! I always had trouble getting drops into my eye instead of everywhere but. Hope you fare better!
        Weather’s been okay here today. Weather’s changing so rapidly these days will have to check back before lights out. Hope our temps stay above freezing. 🤞🤞
        It’s been a delight working with you and getting to know you! xx
        Hope all continues to go well for you! xx

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love any recipe that calls for baking with almond meal. Complete texture-changer, in such a good way. Galette, banana bread and flat white? Yes, please. But first I will admire your china. You have the most beautiful pieces. As always, Su, a truly wonderful party.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The oatcakes look so good – I’ll have to search for a recipe and try them. I make your pastry but use my favorite apple. In fact I have crust dough in the frig to make tomorrow. And I have banana that are over-ripe to use in banana bread. It does seem like we are on the same wave. I just need to brew my chamomile tea as it is close to bedtime. I sure enjoyed have tea with you.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’ve never had Scottish Oatcakes, but I’ll bet the goose fat would lend an interesting flavor. One year we had goose for Christmas, and my mother saved the excess grease. We made “goose-grease chocolate chip cookies” for several weeks afterwards, and they were delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. I am feeling pretty good, though my eyes are still a bit fuzzy.
      I have to say the peach chilli preserve works really well with the slight acidity of the brie. And perhaps because the peaches are quite sweet, the chilli hit is a bit softened too.


  6. You need to sit down, Su, and have that cuppa.
    I hope your surgery went well. Thank goodness that’s over and done with.

    The food looks so delish. I bought a box of Scottish oatcakes for my pandemic pantry. My husband tells me that they will last for years. Since they’re still in their pack, I would love to try one of yours. Home-made is so much nicer. Peaches are still in season here too. I have been eating one a day with my yoghurt for brekkie.

    I actually made something for arvie tea this month but I haven’t put food and words together yet, but expect my post soon. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Hope your are well on the way to full recovery Su. Arghhh covid…. hopefully it has been contained by the lock down. Every time your virtual tea party rolls round I look at all the goodies and just drool. Even feel the urge to bake coming on, but then I go into my art/play room and the urge passes. 🤭 But all looks very tempting, pity it is only virtual, would love to try them all in real time. Take care and stay safe. I’m extra busy this month, concerts, weekend away in the mountains, volunteering, and family coming to stay. And it is a short month

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Glad your surgery is all over and done with. Hope all heals well quickly for you.
    I planned a head and made a cake in weekend so I could join in with the virtual tea party.
    I’m just learning to blog at Square Space… so all very new to me. Haven’t worked out tags or how to reply to folks yet… but doing it! and I will get there. Thanks for hosting – it was fun and made me cook a cake which the family was pleased about. Leanne

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much for joining us Leanne. Your cake looks delicious, and I love the lemon verbena shots too.
      Blogging can be lots of fun, and a great way to connect with some fantastic people.


  9. Pingback: Birthday tea party | restlessjo

    • Thank you Jo. Feeling better this morning — though dreading a week of having to put drops in my eyes.
      Yes, I am so glad for Pauline, but like you wondering when I’ll see my UK family again.
      Kia Kaha my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hope you’re feeling OK now, and seeing everything you need to see. I must join your tea p[arty some time, but you do set the bar awfully high, and with only two people in the house and no guests allowed, it’s hard to stack the table with goodies that then linger for days. It all looks delicious. A slice of peach galette? Oh thanks, I’d love to.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am feeling pretty good this morning, and the surgeon was very happy that the procedure went well.

      I never meant this afternoon tea thing to become a “bake-off” (though I am guilty of using it to try out new recipes). In the beginning I sort of imagined a bunch of us taking a snap of our afternoon cuppa and sharing that with a few words about what was happening in our world. I do enjoy baking, and would so love to be able to feed you all in real life. But I don’t expect others to do the same.
      Oh, and do you want cream with that galette?


  11. Pingback: Virtual Afternoon Tea, February 2021 – Ladyleemanila

  12. Pingback: Salt-Tea – Reflections of An Untidy Mind

  13. I´ve never had my cup of tea today but I decided to make one for myself while reading your Post..I regret that I don´t have those Scottish cakes or that luscious Peach Gallette.Perhaps I try it with Apple pie instead.
    Sending you warm wishes and get well soon Su!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: Post 444 – My Blog’s Third Anniversary – My Slice of Mexico

  15. I hope your vision is back to normal again, Su, and I’m sending you lots of healing wishes and many hugs on top!
    Your peach galette looks stunning and I can vividly imagine how awesome it must take – with or without almond flour. 😉 And yummy oatcakes too! I’m all yours! (Which will make more sense as soon as you read my post. 😁)
    Scotch bonnets? Aren’t those the spiciest of all chillies? 😨 I’m all for experimenting but since my stomach can’t handle too much spice anymore I’ll stick with the brie. 😉 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much my dear friend. I am feeling better, and relieved to have the procedure out of the way. It was fairly minor, but I have a life-long aversion to having my eyes touched.

      Scotch bonnets are very hot. Though the ones I used have been in the freezer for a while and that mellows them a little. But if I’m honest, even with that and the sweetness of the peaches, it does pack a punch.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m so glad and relieved to hear that, Su!
        Just cooked a stir-fry yesterday that had too much punch as well, and only from fresh ginger! You couldn’t taste a thing except that it was HOT! LOL!


  16. Pingback: Books and Cookies | Art Expedition

  17. I agree with Margaret – with only the two of us I dare not bake very often, in fact I have only just started to again after decades! Currently a lime cheesecake with dark chocolate, but we have just about finished it. I do fancy your peach galette – I have a recipe for a savoury mushroom one that I must give a whirl – and maybe a piece of the banana bread with a flat white. You really must set up a recipe link on your site. You make the most delicious looking items. Hope the eyes are feeling much better now. I had a colossal migraine last night complete with visual affects that I haven’t experienced in years! Maybe an after effect of the jab, but I had that four days ago so it seems unlikely.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: February’s Virtual Tea Party | Curls n Skirls

  19. Pingback: February is for Comfort Food #virtualteaparty2021 – THE WIDOW BADASS BLOG

  20. Pingback: Everybody Loves a Party! – Cosmicknitter

  21. Pingback: Streusel-topped Blueberry Muffins for our Virtual Tea Party – All things bright and beautiful

  22. Pingback: Frooze Balls and Black Tea (Virtual Tea & Weekly Smile) – priorhouse blog

  23. Hi – I am late to the tea party but I am assuming there is a lot left because it looks like you made a lot fo some delicious stuff –
    I like hearing about your approach to recipes and what the Big T likes too.
    and mmmmm the flat white – in that nice glass – that is what I would like the most – and some the oat cakes

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Pingback: If we were having coffee…or even a cup of tea…the weekend coffee share edition – Thistles and Kiwis

  25. This is one of my most-frequented posts these couple of weeks – popping in to link up with members of our tea party, and to drool again & again at your scrumptious spread. Did I mention I’m so inspired by your galette (I’d forgotten all about them!) I’ve made 2 since this was posted? but mine is apple & blueberry – no reasonably priced peaches available to us.

    Liked by 1 person

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