I knew we planted the lavender that blocks the path for a reason! Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4.

I knew we planted the lavender that blocks the path for a reason! Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4.

After a couple of weeks without rain in which the lawn dried out a little and I began to think about gardening, it’s wet again. Thunderstorms a couple of nights ago have been followed by persistent rain and showers. My lavender photo above was shot just before the rains came, during a period of optimism, as was this shot of the nandina berries.

Nandina, or heavenly bamboo. Gorgeous red berries that brighten the spot outside the boy-child's window. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, colour-edited with PixlrExpress.

Nandina, or heavenly bamboo. Gorgeous red berries that brighten the spot outside the boy-child’s window. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, colour-edited with PixlrExpress.

Yesterday, I wandered out into the garden between downpours. Raindrops of the magnolia tree’s leaves, and handing from the Nandina berries proved difficult to capture on my phone with the breeze that was threatening to turn into something stronger.

Heavy with raindrops. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, edited with PixlrExpress.

Heavy with raindrops. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, edited with PixlrExpress.

New growth on the magnolia. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, edited with PixlrExpress.

New growth and raindrops on the magnolia. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, edited with PixlrExpress.

This morning I found this little guy in the courtyard; the first I’ve seen in ages and perhaps a sign that there is food in my garden again.

Solitary snail. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, edited with Pixlr Express.

Solitary snail. Photo: Su Leslie, 2014. Shot with iPhone4, edited with Pixlr Express.

Sally at Lens and Pens by Sally hosts a weekly phoneography and non SLR digital devices photo challenge. You can join in here.

Nature: signs of spring

19 thoughts on “Nature: signs of spring

  1. Pingback: Phoneography and Non-SLR Digital Photo Challenge: Nature (and the Leaf) | Lens and Pens by Sally

  2. It’s almost time for the next challenge but I’m so glad I checked once more and caught your entry. I love the snail photo!! But they’re all lovely. You’re moving into spring, we’re moving into fall.



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