Stepping out


Evening stroll, Wynyard Quarter, Auckland. Image: Su Leslie 2018

Seven Day B&W Challenge — Street Photography: Day Five

My friend Sarah at Art Expedition is hosting a variation on the Seven Day B&W Challenge — this time the image must include people.

The rules are:

• Thank the person who has nominated/tagged you and provide a link to their blog.

•  Go out and take pictures of complete strangers for 7 days in a row and post one of them each day of the challenge (you can also post 7 photos in one post if you´re more comfortable with this).

• The photos should be in b/w.

• Nominate as many people as you like

As always, I’m not a fan of individual nominations, but invite everyone to take part in this if you can fit it in your blogging schedule.

And don’t forget to visit Sarah’s blog and see her Berlin street photography.

19 thoughts on “Stepping out

    • Thanks Jude. It’s Silo Park on Auckland’s waterfront. It used to be where oil tankers, etc unloaded, but has been totally gentrified with apartments and bars and a very nice new theatre. The marine business part has shifted from focusing on cargo ships and fishing boats to racing and super-yachts. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

        • Me too. Super-yachts in particular bother me immensely. They are luxury living spaces for people who seldom use them and who require them to be sailed by professional crews from one “must be seen here” place to another. It seems to be increasingly common for them to have helipads on their decks. And just a few kilometres away, people are living on the streets.

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    • Interesting you should say that!! It’s actually the “hot” new place in Auckland!! It’s the industrial part of Auckland’s old port (hence the silos). It’s been turned into a park, with lots of bars and cafes in the old warehouses. There’s a new Events Centre and theatre, and lots of berthing for the growing number of super yachts!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. This has such a cool feeling and atmosphere! The contrast between the industrial setting and the couple holding hands and thus representing love is so intriguing and welcomes the spectator to muse about it all. Would love to see this one hanging in a gallery one day, Su! 😄 xxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. It’s interesting how people have commented on the setting. I’m used to seeing it in colour, and know that the place is full of cafes and bars. I really must post the colour version of that shot!! xxxxxxx

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