
Image: Su Leslie 2021


The sun was shining and my kitchen was full of lovely, yellow corn cobs. Thoughts turned to inviting friends round for a barbecue.


The rain has arrived. And Auckland has gone back into (so far a very temporary) Covid lock-down.

I’m happy about the rain; the garden looks greener already.

The lock-down; not so much. But I appreciate our government taking such a proactive stand.

And I still have lots of lovely yellow sweetcorn to enjoy.

Not to mention a post for Jude’s Life In Colour project.

30 thoughts on “Yesterday

  1. I love corn on the cob. When it was in season in Illinois, I used to by several dozen, “blanche” them in the microwave for a minute each, shuck them, cut the kernels off, and freeze. When reheated, they tasted virtually like I’d just cut them from the cob after cooking.


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  2. That looks so plump and juicy makes my mouth water at the thought of bbqing them. Oh no, not the dreaded virus again. Pleased our governments get onto it so quickly. Will we ever be able to plan long term again…..

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